Ninja Tricks

Merging a contact in ResponsiBid

Sometimes you will need to merge to contacts together so that you can clean up your customer list. ResponsiBid allows you to do that by: Go to settings > contacts and search for the 2 contacts so that they appear in the same list. Check the box next to the 2 names of the contacts […]

Scheduling a job in ResponsiBid

In this video we will discuss setting your time defaults, inputting the required information for scheduling, and how to go about letting your customer know what time you will arrive for a job.

Using ResponsiBid on your phone like an app

Are you wanting to get ResponsiBid on your phone but not seeing the app in the iOS App Store or the Google Play store? This video shows you haw to get that functionality.

Setting up your email servers (Gmail Integration)

NOTE: As of 2014, emails sent to AOL or Yahoo are more than likely being blocked if they are sent on your behalf. This is how ResponsiBid sends emails by default. By following this guide to use your own email servers you will be far more likely to be able to deliver to this addresses […]

Exporting ResponsiBid contacts

Simply go to Settings > Contacts and scroll to the bottom. There is an accordion called “Export Contacts”. Simply open that accordion up and choose what information you’d like to export. It will automatically download a .csv file for you to do with as you wish.

Sending an email to a customer from the customer profile

To send an email to a customer from the customer profile, simply click on the envelope icon next to the email address in the customer information area. Your computer or mobile device will use the email service set as your default sending mechanism. This will work on a mobile device or a desktop/laptop computer. Cool ninja trick!