Company Setup

Blind Cleaning after Legacy Migrations

When we moved your blind cleaning prices from the old system to the new one, we weren’t able to label each style the same exact way, so you may want to look at your call screen and see if you like it. The old way we presented it: This worked pretty well, but we wanted […]

Legacy rough window cleaning ported over to the new system changes

If you were using the “Rough Window Cleaning” module before we moved to the new system everything moved over great… except one thing. In the old system: You told ResponsiBid how many sunscreens (Many people customized this to be other things) to count on each building size by default… assuming that there are sunscreens on […]

Warning: Changing the meaning of a Leadsource, Service Area, or Service Factor

In this video you will learn the hazards of changing the meaning of a leadsource, service area, or service factor. You can change what it says, but you definitely don’t want to change what it means! Sometimes you will want to go in and add something, and in the process, delete something else. You might be tempted […]

Testing your module before launching

In this video you will learn a few things about testing your modules as you set them up. You will see how to fill out a test bid in the call screen. You will see the correlation between the steps that the customer would interact with as the specs are collected. You will see how […]

Setting up your Modules in the Services Area

Video notes: See how to work with modules: Understand the differences between active and inactive modules – How to turn modules off and on. Understand the differences between a module and a bidding style – Some modules have multiple bidding styles. Learn how to change a module name. Setup a module bidding style: Step 1 […]

Scheduling a job in ResponsiBid

In this video we will discuss setting your time defaults, inputting the required information for scheduling, and how to go about letting your customer know what time you will arrive for a job.

Webinar: How to Use the Daily Digest to the fullest

See our webinar on how the daily digest works, why you want to use it, and the best practices on making it work for your company. We outline: How to make sure you are getting the daily digest email How to access the live version in ResponsiBid Some of the neat things you can click […]

Installing ResponsiBid on your Website

This tutorial will teach you how to install ResponsiBid onto your website. The lightbox or the smart form! You can install this on as many websites & web pages as you like… and you will always be able to see what page someone was on when they fill it out. The basic button looks identical […]

Webinar: In-depth Overview Tour 2014

See a totally in-depth overview of what ResponsiBid does, how it does it, and how you can customize the technology for your company. This tour is performed by Curt Kempton, the founder of Symphosize, and the developer of ResponsiBid. Curt has owned service-based businesses and developed the software out of a need to build better-closing […]