You can quickly search for a person or bid in 3 ways:
- In the sidebar menu once logged into ResponsiBid you can click on the search bar. As you type in the first or last name of the person you are looking for ResponsiBid will search in real-time for the person and you can use the keyboard keys to select who you are looking for and press enter. It’s really fast and on every page. On a mobile device you may find this feature at the top of every page. Just click on the magnifying glass icon.
- In the Call Screen when you begin typing in the name, address, email, or phone number fields, ResponsiBid will immediately start trying to find a match for you. If ResponsiBid successfully finds someone you have given a bid to before, you can either autofill out the call screen with everything you know about them or you can just go directly to their profile to begin the booking process.
- If you go to the top bar and open up the settings menu and then go to the contacts page you can open up the top accordion and begin searching any of the criteria in the search accordion.
All of these search principles will work even if the person was uploaded using the csv import.