When you are setting up the user in your ResponsiBid account for Jill’s Office, you will want to follow the instructions in this video.

  1. Setup a new user in your account with an email address that YOUR COMPANY CONTROLS.
  2. Make sure you turn on the permissions in the Jill’s Office user necessary for Jill’s Office to be able to get the work done that you would like them to do.
  3. Have that email address setup through your email provider to “auto-forward” to the appropriate Jill’s Office email account that they direct you to.
  4. Build out the follow-up steps in your follow-up builder to setup at what point you want a Jill to reach out to your prospects and your customers. Make sure to put your company name in the subject line and give all the information that they need in order to reach out for that step that they need.
  5. BONUS TIP: You may decide to forward all email that goes to your designated Jill’s Office email to your own so that you can monitor it too. This could be helpful until you have worked with Jill’s Office long enough to know how this all works– that way you’ll be in the loop as you’re learning the ropes!
  6. You’re all set!