Your New Beta Features Explained in the Video
Navigating the bundle options:
- The way that bundles layout to your customers
- The way add on services layout and work
- How package options work inside of a bundle proposal
- How the “Ala Carte” section works
- Manually adding a bundle
The bundle library:
- Bundle Sets vs Bundles
- Adding a bundle to the library
- Customizing the bundles with names, descriptions, auto-suggestion, discounts, and services
- Bundle discount strategies
- Adding bundles
- Reordering bundles
- Reordering bundle sets
- How to make sure the correct bundle sets are auto-selected
Using the library of templates inside of the customer profile
- Auto selecting a bundle set
- Seeing the new PDF layout (for package proposals)
- How the QR code works from a proposal
- The new sales rep worksheet PDF
- Editing the items within a customer profile for a bundle without affecting the bundle library
- Adding custom text to the worksheet PDF
- Adding additional bundle to mix and match from the library
- Changing a bundle library does not affect bundles created for customers from the library, and likewise editing a bundle at the customer level does not affect the bundle library templates.
I’m not sure I understand the priorities. Why won’t it create ALL available bundles and stop at the first set if it’s available?
Hi Hugo,
If I understand your question correctly, that’s actually how it works. You can create as many bundle sets as you need and then ResponsiBid will go down the list trying to assign a bundle set until it finds a set where the customer has all the necessary packages with pricing.