Call Screen

Giving quote In-person or Over the Phone

How to use the Call Screen to give a quote in person or over the phone Select the desired services Answering the “Property Details” questions – How’d you hear about us, Home Sqft, Stories, Basement (Search form builder to go into detail about these questions) “Specification” – For getting a price based upon the questions […]

How to make house size, stories, or basement required or not

In this video we demonstrate how to give a quote but not necessarily have to enter in certain pieces of information regarding the structure if the quote doesn’t need it to calculate the bid. Keep in mind that even though the video doesn’t cover this… the call screen is ALWAYS set to always ask for […]

Blind Cleaning after Legacy Migrations

When we moved your blind cleaning prices from the old system to the new one, we weren’t able to label each style the same exact way, so you may want to look at your call screen and see if you like it. The old way we presented it: This worked pretty well, but we wanted […]

Call Screen vs. LightBox vs. Smart Form

In a nutshell here are the main differences between the Call Screen, LightBox, and Smart Form Call Screen The Call Screen is an admin only tool. Your customers can’t access it and it allows for flexibility intended only for internal use. Some things you can do in the call screen that neither the LightBox nor the […]

Creating an anonymous bid

If someone calls in and wants to get right to prices without giving you their personal information, ResponsiBid will allow you do do it at your discretion using the Call Screen. Note: For ResponsiBid to give a quote, there will still be required fields. Just much less, but remember that ResponsiBid will still need to know everything except […]

Setting up an in-person bid

If someone calls in and you begin filling out ResponsiBid with their information only to find out that you are going to need to send someone there to finish the bid, just put in as much information as you can get and then click one of the green buttons that says “Visit for Bid” Don’t […]

Call Screen power

The call screen is incredibly powerful because of how versatile it is. When you pick up the phone, you can begin using the call screen for any conversation whether it is a new customer, repeat customer, or someone who wants to remain anonymous. You can even get it loaded up for the visit for bid […]